The Tour de France recently concluded and if you watched the US broadcast you're familiar with Mr. Bob Roll, aka Bobke. Even if you skipped watching the Tour this year you're likely familiar with Bob's insightful and colorful commentary. His experience in the professional road cycling peloton, as well as in professional mountain biking, is as legendary as his way with words.
Now's your chance to learn from and ride with Bob, and a who's who of the top coaches and sports scientists, while surrounded by Moab's otherworldly red rock formations. Rides are organized by ability and fitness, so you can choose a group to go as easy or hard as you want.
This camp is about a lot more than just riding, however. Evening sessions with Bob, Dr. Max Testa, and a host of cycling dignitaries make this a unique event. Since attendance is limited there's plenty of opportunity to interact with coaches, sports scientists, professional riders, and cycling industry representatives.
Moab is synonymous with mountain biking, but also happens to be a great place to road ride. Whether it's an easy spin along the Colorado River, an out-and-back to Dead Horse Point, or the switchback climb on La Sal Mountain Loop there's a bit of everything for the skinny tire crowd. And, of course, there are all of Moab's iconic mountain bike trails; Captain Ahab, Mag-7, Porqupine Rim, and Slickrock usually make my short list of trails to ride while in town.
Moab typically sees warm days and cool nights at this time of year, so it's the perfect pre-holiday cycling getaway.
Roll with Bob Roll runs November 7th-10th, 2024 in Moab, Utah. Register now for the 4 day camp, plus 3 nights lodging at the Aarchway Inn. Details at Roll with Bob Roll. You can also call Chip Chilson (camp director) at 970-948-1212 for additional information.
What Else?
We will be there with Enduro Bites, Beta Red, and Recovery Protein to help keep you fueled and riding strong! We will also have special pre-camp pricing for registrants. Order ahead for delivery before you leave for Moab or allow us to have your order ready upon your arrival.
I've attended Roll with Bob Roll a few times and it's always been a great experience. I hope to see you there this year!

Chip and Bob with Dr. Max Testa and Michael Carter
THANK YOU BRIAN!! Looking forward to the 16th Annual BOB ROLL Event – and – ENDURO BITES to keep us well fueled, and rolling strong! Safe miles – Chip :)
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