Fresh, Small-Batch Nutrition for Better Health & Performance

This ain't your typical marathon!

The Pikes Peak Marathon is not the place to set a time record. It takes most racers about the same amount of time to cover the first half of the course as running a full flatland marathon. Why?

For starters, the marathon includes 7,815 feet of elevation gain over narrow, rocky trails. Also, the turnaround point is at the oxygen-deprived attitude of 14,050 feet. The temperature on the course can vary by as much as 50 degrees, from the race start in a scorching valley up to a sometimes snow-covered peak.

Enduro Bites Pikes Peak Marathon

Photo Cred: Christian Murdock/ The Gazette

Oh, and don’t forget about the real threat of lightening. This photo of a fried pair shoes is wild. The lady who was wearing them just missed getting struck by lightning during the 2005 race.

Nonetheless, every year hundreds of runners vie for a coveted opportunity to tow the start line. And for the last several years, we’ve been proud to cheer them on from the sidelines. 

We’ll be back again this weekend, offering Enduro Bites samples to runners and spectators alike. Please stop by to say hello and pick up the food that will propel you to the Pikes Peak summit and beyond. We look forward to seeing you out there.

Won't be there this weekend? Grab a sample pack of Enduro Bites and run up your nearest mountain in honor of the race! 


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