Fresh, Small-Batch Nutrition for Better Health & Performance

Why We Love Figs for Enduro Bites

Adriatic Figs

The fig is a symbol of luxury, divinity and fertility, and is one of the earliest foods cultivated by humans. Mildly sweet with a unique texture, some fossil records show them appearing in our diets at about 9400-9200 B.C., which means we’ve been eating figs for longer than we’ve been eating wheat, barley and legumes! 

You may have noticed this ancient fruit in Enduro Bites. It’s no accident that we use figs as they offer significant and healthy advantages when it comes to eating on the go. 

1. The perfect sugar/fiber balance

Figs are naturally sweet with a moderate Glycemic Index of 61, which means they’ll give you plenty of fuel for any adventure. The advantage of using a fig base (rather than refined sugar and/or rice crisps) is that they also have soluble fiber, which gives you you steady, consistent energy by regulating digestion. Note: This is not to be confused with insoluble fiber, which can cause GI distress during exercise!

2. They prevent cramps and optimize hydration

Figs are a true superfood, containing antioxidants, vitamins and minerals like Potassium and Magnesium, which help prevent cramps and optimize hydration. Potassium also helps balance out sodium concentration in your blood to lower blood pressure.

3. They’re good for your bones and blood

Figs help with bone development and heart/muscle contractions, with the highest Calcium content of any fruit out there (about 16%DV per 100g). And if you’re cutting back on red meat, the figs in Enduro Bites will help as each serving contains 2% of your daily Iron requirement, which helps build healthy, oxygen-carrying red blood cells. 

4. They help counteract acid buildup

Muscles at work generate lactic acid, pyruvic acid, and CO2, which can lower your overall blood pH. Introducing alkaline-forming foods (like figs) helps balance the resulting acidity, giving you renewed power and endurance. 

5. They’re always gentle on the belly

One of the main reasons we love Enduro Bites is that they’re easily digestible, no matter your dietary needs. As the base of every bar, figs have just the right taste and texture to keep Enduro Bites moist and chewy; and they let us avoid gluten, nuts, soy and other potentially inflammatory ingredients. 

More athletes performed better (and had happier bellies) with figs than with any other ingredient we tested. Probably because they’ve been part of the human diet for long and possess incredible healthy properties. We’ve found the figs in Enduro Bites to be an ideal fuel for long, strenuous activities. Have you given them a try?


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